Add points to the canvas:
There are two ways to add points to the canvas - manually, check whether the "Apply coordinates manually" button is blue,
and if so, just click LMB on the canvas, or add a file with coordinates.
Note: Coordinates must be integers, contain no characters other than numbers,
be written in spaces with pairs and each coordinate pair on a new line. Example:
213 355
124 566
7347 12
87 643
Add an image to the canvas
There are two ways to add an image to a canvas: add a file from the device or via a link.
Image erasing
The "Delete Image" button deletes the current image from the canvas and makes its background white.
The "Cancel" button cancels the last action taken by the user: adding points or adding an image.
The "Clear All" button deletes all data about points, circles, and added images.
Build cirle
It is possible to choose which circles will be constructed: general and / or many with a fixed radius.
It is also possible to enter a radius in the text box. The radius must be an integer, using only numbers and no spaces.
Manipulation of the canvas
Implemented functions to increase / decrease objects depicted on the canvas, as well as move these objects.
To move, press the button from the image of the arrows in all directions, and then, pressing the LMB when the cursor is on the canvas,
drag the cursor in any direction.
Only after building circles is it possible to display statistics on the screen, hide it or save it to a file.